Freediving: What to do during containment (1/2)

Partie 1 :Chez-soi

Here we go again: re-containment. Yippee!!!!

So, here are some ideas of exercises that you can practice at home in these dark times. These exercises being widely described on the Internet, because they are not specific to containment, I will not go into details. However, do not hesitate if you have any questions or if you want us to develop certain points.


As often as possible: 4 sessions of 15 minutes are more effiscient than one session of 1 hour. Ideally, try to set yourself a daily time slot and stick to it.


In safe conditions, off course! Since it is difficult to have a buddy (apart from the lucky couples of freedivers!), prefer hypercapnic exercises, i.e. for which the recovery time is much shorter than the apnea time


The list is long and not exhaustive:

- Stretching/Yoga/Pranayama: relaxation of the rib cage, trunk, shoulders, toes...

-Sophrology/Meditation: Zeeeeeeeeeeeen!

-Bike/Rower /Mat: Increasing intensity, tapering off slightly towards the end

-And for those who are lucky enough to own one, you can use the famous Rocky method: run after your chicken :-) !!!

Example of exercise on an exercise bike to simulate a dynamic 50m :

-If we round up to 1m/s, this means achieving a controlled effort of 50s

-Adjust the hardness of the pedaling to be close to the kicking effort

- Pedaling in apnea 4x20s (30s recovery), 4x30 (30s recovery), 4x40s (45s recovery), 4x50s (45s recovery)

Some safety principles:

-Never practice apneas alone, despite confinement

-Stay on short recovery times

Coming soon: What to do during containment (2/2): What to do within a 1km radius

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