Mapnea: a map dedicated to freediving
Quick little tip for a friend's site: Mapnea.
Mapnea is an online platform that aims to bring together freedivers and freediving sites on a global map ( The page is still young (june 2024!) and therefore a little empty, but it is precisely through your actions that it will gradually become richer!
The goal of its creator is, in the long term, that the site will allow people all over the world to:
- Find a buddy easily
- Discuss with other freedivers
- Discover the best spots
- Suggest group activities
We will obviously regret that a certain number of interactions are missing, for the moment, in order to make this site truly indispensable, such as the GPS position, a description of the site, and especially the addition of ones own outputs (parameters, temperature, visibility, hopes encountered, etc.), but we bet that this will be added quickly.
You can also contribute to its improvement by submitting the features you would like to see to its creator on the site or at the following address:
The bigger the community gets, the more the map will be enriched with new data!