Scubadiving: 2 methods to stop hurting your eardrums
On dit souvent : la plongée sous-marine, ça rend sourd ! En effet, beaucoup trop de plongeurs (professionnels notamment) finissent au fil des années par présenter des troubles plus ou moins prononcés de l’audition. Malheureusement lorsqu’ils s’en rendent compte il est généralement trop tard et parfois le seul remède est d’arrêter la plongée. Et si ce n’était…
Mapnea: a map dedicated to freediving
Quick little boost for a friendly site: Mapnea. Mapnea is an online platform that aims to bring together freediving practitioners and sites on a world map ( The site is still young (June 2024!) and …
Dry equalisation for freediving, advanced level (2/2)
How to improve your equalisation, thanks to the Dry Bubbler
Dry equalisation for advanced freedivers (1/2)
How to learn dry mouthfill compensation(=Frenzel Fattah)
A promising young athlete!
We are happy to sponsor Charlotte ANTOINE, a very promising young french athlete. Charlotte is a cardiology intensive care nurse in Strasbourg. It was late (summer 2021) and a little by chance that Charlotte discovered her skills in static apnea, during an initiation session, where she achieved a nice first 4 minutes in the dry and 5 minutes in the water.
Dry equalisation for freediving at beginner level (2/2)
Learn to equalise in Frenzel. This document is aimed at freedivers...
Dry equalizing for freediving at beginner level (1/2)
Part 1: Volumes and Locks What is dry clearing? The principle of training outside of water is called “dry training”. The interest is twofold: Today we will talk about dry training linked to compensation, and more particularly for the “beginner” in the broad sense, that is to say the person starting to be interested in…
New: The Deepway nose clip changes its cushions! - Deepway
Never rest on your laurels, always seek perfection, that could be our motto.
Guess who arrives soon in your christmas shoes? - Deepway
It is a well known fact, freedivers remain kids!
New aluminum nose clip for freediving!
The Deepway e-shop opens its doors! Discover our very first article.